
a, an 185
abdomen 093
above 185
accept 086, v.
accident 212
according 031
account 041
accuse 080, v.
act 060, v.
addiction 104
addition 144
admit 207, v.
advice 080
afraid 212
afternoon 188
again 087
against 087
age 151
aggressive 058
agree 212, v.
air 007
airplane, aeroplane (B) 048
airship 048
ambulance 154
American 060
ancestor 005
ancient 080
and 080
angry 212
animal 144
ankle 088
answer 030
any 060
ape 058
apple 031
apron 111
argue 207, v.
arm 093
army 154
arrive 155, v.
arrow 178
ascend 014, v.
ash 011
ask 080, v.
at 012
attack 183, v.
attempt 080, v.
ax 173

baby 005
back 093, n.
back 162, adv.
bad 105
bag 111
bake 011, v.
bald 020
ball 003
balloon 003
bamboo 030
bandage 115
bandit 158
bank 012, slope
bank 019, place
banner 114
barber 115
bark 080, v.
bark 094, n.
barley 022
barn 136
base 136
basin 121
basket 030
bathe 004, v.
battery 004
battle 175
be 035, v.
beach 004
beak 080
bean 026
bear 011, animal
beard 099
beast 058
beat 086, v.
beautiful 052
because 141
bed 125
bee 047
beer 117
beg 066, v.
begin 126, v.
being 102
believe 060, v.
bell 019
below 185
bend 177, v.
belt 115
bicycle 154
big 001
bird 045
bit 161
bite 080, v.
bitter 028
black 200
blanket 098
bleed 101, v.
blessing 107
blind 077
blood 101
blow 080, v.
blue 028
blush 112, v.
boar 053
boat 153
body 072
boil 011, v.
boil 104, n.
bone 092
book 209
boot 095
bore 019, v.
born 102
borrow 060, v.
bottle 120
bottom 136
boundary 128
bow 072, v.
bow 177, n.
bowl 018
box 158
boy 064
bra 180
brain 093
brake 086, v.
branch 033
brave 183
bread 022
break 018, v.
breakfast 116
breast 066
breathe 080, v.
breeze 008
bribe 041
brick 018
bridge 031
brief 178
bright 005
brilliant 195
bring 086, v.
broad 136
broken 119
brother 005
brow 077
brown 111
brush 172
brush pen 166
bubble 004
bucket 031
bud 028
Buddha 060
build 142, v.
bull 055
burden 132
burn 011, v.
bury 012, v.
bus 154
bush 031
busy 212
business 080
butter 004
button 019
buy 041, v.

cab, taxi (B) 154
cage 030
cake 022
caldron 122
call 080, v.
camel 056
camera 031
camp 011
canal 004
cancel 172, v.
candle 011
candy 022
cannon 011
capital 138
capture 086, v.
car 154
carcass 091
careful 212
carpenter 158
carry 086, v.
cart 154
carve 006, v.
cashier 080
cast 086, v.
cat 057
catch 086, v.
cave 016
celebrate 212, v.
cement 004
center, centre (B) 184
century 112
certain 031
certainly 124
chain 019
chair 031
chance 031
change 183, v.
chase 152, v.
cheap 041
cheat 056, v.
check, cheque (B) 107
cheek 073
cheerful 212
chess 031
chew 080, v.
chick 046
chief 071
child 005
chimney 016
chin 076
chocolate 080
choke 080, v.
choose 086, v.
chop 173, v.
chopsticks 030
church 012
cigarette 011
city 138
clam 047
clan 070
clap 086, v.
claw 090
clay 012
clean 004
clear 004
cliff 013
climb 090, v.
clinic 127
clock 019
close 126, v.
close 152, adv.
cloth 115
clothes 111
cloud 009
club 209
cluster 031
coal 011
coarse 021
coat 111
coffee 080
coffin 031
coil 112, v.
coin 019
cold 010
collect 183, v.
collection 189
color, colour (B) 196
comb 031
come 060, v.
comfort 082, v.
commit 060, v.
commode 091
common 035
compare 194, v.
compass 019
compete 090, v.
complete 124
computer 093
conceive 064, v.
concrete 018
conduct 145
confess 207, v.
consent 207, v.
consider 212, v.
constant 115
contented 053
continent 004
continue 112, v.
contrary 205
cook 011, v.
cook 115, n.
cool 010
copy 086, v.
coral 003
corner 075
corpse 091
corruption 170
cosmetic 093
cost 019
cotton 031
couch 031
cough 080, v.
count 183, v.
country 141, nation
countryside 132
courage 183
court 133
cover 028
covering 134
cow 055
crack 018, v.
craft 028
crawl 090, v.
cream 093
create 172, v.
creep 090, v.
crest 074
crime 180
criticize 207, v.
crocodile 042
crops 020
cross 031, n.
cross 152, v.
crowd 060
crowded 124
crown 074
cruel 005
crush 012, v.
crutch 031
cry 080, v.
cucumber 027
cunning 058
cup 031
curtain 030
curved 066
custom 060
cut 172, v.
cyan 197

dagger 171
dam 012
dance 205
danger 167
dark 035
dart 174
daughter 065
day 035
dead 105
deaf 079
deal 041
death 105
debate 207, v.
debt 060
decay 031, v.
decision 124
deep 004
deer 054
defeat 183, v.
defend 133, v.
depend 193, v.
depressed 110
desert 004
desire 212, v.
destroy 182, v.
devise 207, v.
dew 009
diamond 018
diarrhea, diarrhoea (B) 004
dice 092
die 105, v.
different 080
difficult 046
dig 086, v.
dignity 183
diligent 144
dim 035
dinner 116
dinosaur 043
direction 080
dirty 004
disagree 212, v.
disaster 107
discourage 183, v.
discuss 210, v.
disease 104
dish 018
dishonest 207
disobey 079, v.
distance 088
distant 089
distress 167
district 139
dive 004, v.
divide 172, v.
division 133
divorced 065
do 060, v.
do not 060, v.
doctor 102
dog 058
doll 065
donate 086, v.
done 156
donkey 056
door 127
double 046
doubt 212, v.
dough 022
dove 045
drag 055, v.
dragon 043
draw 128, v.
drawers 091, chest of
dream 037
drink 116, v.
drive 146, v.
driver 056
drop 086, v.
drown 004, v.
drum 204
drunk 117
dry 066
due 039
dull 019
dung 091
dust 012
duty 041
dwell 060, v.
dye 031

eager 212
eagle 045
ear 079
early 035
earn 041, v.
earring 003
earth 003
earthenware 119
earthquake 009
east 031
easy 035
eat 116, v.
echo 202
effort 144
egg 047
eight 187
elbow 093
electricity 009
elephant 053
elevator, lift (B) 154
embroidery 113
empty 016
enclosure 141
end 124, v.
enemy 183
English 210, language
Englishman 060
Englishwoman 065
enjoy 135, v.
enough 037
enter 149, v
entire 149
envelope 179
equal 023
erase 086, v.
escape 152, v.
even 023
evening 037
everyone 060
evil 193
exact 018
examine 031, v.
example 060
exchange 086, v.
excuse 210, v.
expecting 039
expenses 157
expensive 041
experience 056
explain 075, v.
external 037
eye 077

face 076
fact 124
factory 136
fade 111, v.
fail 183, v.
fall, autumn (B) 020
fall 028, leaves, v.
fall 088, on knees, v.
false 060
family 124
famous 080
fan 086, v.
fan 127, n.
far 152
farm 012
farming 036
fart 091
fashion 111
fast 112, adv.
fast 212, adj.
fasten 112, v.
fat 093
father 061
faucet, tap (B) 126
fault 169
fear 212
feather 097
feces 091
feeble 052
feed 116, v.
feeling 212
fell 173, v.
female 046
fence 030
fever 011
few 002
field 128
fight 181, v.
fill 004, v.
fin 042
find 086, v.
fine 112
finger 086
finish 156, v.
fire 011
firework 011
first 185
fish 042
fist 086
fit 080, v.
five 186
fix 124, v.
flag 114
flame 011
flee 146, v.
fleet 153
flesh 093
float 004, v.
flock 052
flood 004
floor 031
flour 022
flourish 028, v.
flow 004, v.
flower 028
flute 203
flutter 097
fly 047, n.
fly 048, v.
fog 009
fold 086, v.
follow 088, v.
food 116
foolish 212
foot 088, leg
foot 091, measure
force 144
forehead 073
foreign 037
forest 031
foretell 109, v.
forget 212, v.
forgive 212, v.
fork 087
form 006, v.
formless 006
fountain 004
four 141
fowl 044
fox 058
fragrant 211
frame 092
fraud 170
free 041
freedom 068
fresh 042
friend 087
frightened 056
front 172
frost 009
frown 094, v.
frozen 010
fruit 031
full 004, much
full 188, whole
fun 146
fur 098
furniture 060
further 087
future 031

gain 041, v.
gallop 056, v.
gamble 041, v.
game 058, animals
game 175, sport
garbage 012
garden 141
garrison 137
gas 007
gate 126
gather 031, v.
gay 212
gears 084
generation 060
generous 212
get 146, up, v.
get 162, to obtain, v.
ghost 106
gift 107
giraffe 054
girl 065
give 112, v.
glad 080
glass 003, material
glasses 019
glove 001
glue 004
go 147, v.
goal 031
god/goddess 107
God 107
gold 019
goldfish 042
good 192
goodbye 086
goods 041
goose 045
gore 075, v.
graceful 052
grain 021
grape 028
grass 028
grave 012
gravel 018
gray, grey (B) 011
graze 080
great 001
Great Britain 141
greedy 041
green 112
greet 152, v.
grief 212
grind 018, v.
ground 012
group 112
grow 034, to cultivate, vt.
grow 102, to become, vi.
guard 124, v.
guess 058, v.
guest 060
guide 177, v.
guilty 180
gum 084
gun 019

habit 212
hail 009
hair 099
hairdresser 115
half 188
hammer 019
hand 086
handle 031
handsome 197
hang 086, v.
happy 212
hard 018
harm 124, v.
harness 056
harvest 172
haste 146
hat 115
hatch 064, v.
hate 212, v.
have 039, v.
he 060
head 073
heal 117, v.
healthy 136
hear 079, v.
heart 212
heat 011
heaven 001
heavy 132
heel 088
helicopter 048
hell 012
hello 080
helmet 121
help 086, v.
hemp 025
hen 046
her 065, object
her 201, adj.
herb 028
herd 055
here 152
hero 046
herself 068
hiccup 080
hide 028, v.
hide 095, n.
high 015
hill 013
him 060
himself 068
hip 093
hire 079, v.
his 201
history 080
hit 086, v.
hoe 129
hold 086, v.
hole 004
holiday 035
home 124
honest 210
honey 047
honeycomb 140
hoof 088
hook 118
hop 088, v.
hope 039, v.
hopeless 039
horn 075
horrible 212
horse 056
hospital 133
hot 011
hour 035
hover 048, v.
hovercraft 153
how? 212
hug 086, v.
human 060
humble 210
hundred 201
hundred million 060
hungry 116
hunt 058, v.
hurricane 008
husband 001

I 175
ice 010
idea 212
idle 126
if 065
ignorant 178
ill 104
image 060
imagine 067, v.
imitate 060, v.
important 132
impossible 093
in 012
incense 211
inch 179
include 086, v.
income 149
indigo 197
infant 067
infectious 060
inferior 144
information 210
ink 004
inlay 019, v.
inn 031
innocent 180
insane, mad (B) 104
insect 047
inside 149
instant 172
instruction 183
intend 212, v.
interest 172, on money
intestine 093
invite 210, v.
iron 019, material
island 013
it 055
itch 104
itself 068
ivory 083

jade 003
jar 119
javelin 175
jazz 202
jealous 065
jet 048
jewel 003
join 147, v.
joint 030
joking 210
joy 212
judge 124, n.
judge 172, v.
juice 004
jump 088, v.
justice 151

kangaroo 051
keep 086, v.
key 171
kick 088, v.
kill 182, v.
kind 212
kindergarten 141
kinds 020
king 003
kiss 080, v.
kitchen 127
kite 030
KKK 200
knead 086, v.
knee 088
kneel 088, v.
knife 172
knock 086, v.
knot 112
know 178, v.

labor, labour (B) 144
ladle 118
lady 065
lake 004
lamb 052
lame 088
lamp 011
land 012
landslide 013
lane 069
language 210
lap 082, v.
large 001
last 162, adv.
last name, surname (B) 065
late 152
later 162
laugh 030, v.
law 162
lay 102, to produce, v.
lay 159, to establish, v.
lay 183, to place, v.
layer 091
lazy 212
lead 071, v.
leaf 028
leak 004, v.
lean 060, v.
lean 104, adj.
leap 088, v.
learn 064, v.
leather 095
leave 046, v.
leek 029
left 116, over
left 143, direction
leg 093
lend 060, v.
leopard 057
lesson 210
let 210, v.
letter 060
level 032
lick 082, v.
lie 159, to put, v.
lie 210, to tell, v.
life 102
lifeboat 153
lifeless 102
lift 086, v.
light 005, n.
light 011, v.
light 154, adv.
lightning 009
like 060, preposition
like 080, v.
limit 133
line 112
lion 059
lip 080
liquid 004
listen 079, v.
little 002
live 060, to reside, v.
loaf 022
lock 019
locust 047
lofty 043
log 031
long 034, adj.
long 039, v.
look 057, n.
look 077, v.
loose 099
lost 001
lot 030
loud 079
love 212, v.
low 060
low table 168
loyal 212
luck 152
lunch 116

machine 031
magenta 198
magic 106
mail, post (B) 138, v.
make 060, v.
male 046
man 060
manage 030, v.
mane 099
map 141
march 086, v.
market 115
marrow 092
marry 065, v.
marsh 004
mast 031
master 161
mate 117, v.
mature 011
me 175
meal 116
mean 212
meaning 212
measure 130, n.
measure 132, v.
meat 093
meet 152, v.
meeting 209
melon 027
melt 011, v.
mend 111, v.
message 060
metal 019
middle 184
milk 065
mill 018
millet 024
million 005
mind 212
mine 018
mineral 018
mirror 019
miss 152
Miss 065
missile 177
mistake 019
mix 213, v.
modern 025
modest 164
moldy 009
moment 172
money 019
month 039
moon 039
morning 036
mortar 131
mother 062
mound 133
mountain 013
mouse 051
mouth 080
moved 212
movie 006
Mr. 102
Mrs. 001
mud 004
multiplication 063
multiply 063, v.
murder 182
music 202
mustache, moustache (B) 099
mute, dumb (B) 080
my 201
myself 068
mystery 108

nail 019, metal
nail 090, part
naked 111
name 080
narcotic 025
narrow 016
nature 068
neck 073
need 009, v.
needle 019
neighbor, neighbour (B) 060
nest 140
net 180
never 185
new 173
news 079
night 037
nine 066
no 035
nod 073, v.
noisy 079
none 191
noodle 022
noon 188
north 171
nose 085
now 003
number 183
nurse 077
nut 031

oars 031
oat 022
obey 079, v.
observe 078, v.
ocean 004
ocher, ochre (B) 198
of 201
office 124
officer 124
official 159, n.
oil 004
ointment 093
old 103
olive 031
on 012
once 185
one 185
onion 028
open 126, v.
oppose 087, v.
or 175
orange 031
order 136
orphan 005
ostrich 045
ought 212, aux. v.
our 201
out 148
outhouse 091
outside 037
oven 011
overcome 005, v.
overflow 004, v.
overturn 154, v.
owe 081, v.
owl 045
own 039, v.
own 069, adj.

pace 151
pain 104
paint 004
pair 046
palace 124
pale 201
palm 031, tree
palm 086, of hand
pan 019
pants, trousers (B) 111
paper 112
parents 078
parrot 045
part 060
pass 152, v.
past 152
patient 212
path 088
pavilion 135
paw 088
pay 060, v.
pea 026
peace 080
peacock 046
pearl 003
peck 080, v.
pen 030, writing
pen 141, enclosure
people 060
perfume 004
period 039
permit 210, v.
person 060
pheasant 046
piano 003
pick 086, v.
picture 141
piece 182
pierce 172, v.
pig 053
pile 012
pillow 031
pilot 048
pinch 086, v.
pink 112
pipe 030, water
place 012
plain 012
plan 210, v.
plant 031
plastic 093
platform 155
play 003, v.
please 080, v.
please 210, polite
pleased 212
plenty 037
plow, plough (B) 129
plump 026
pocket 111
poison 062
pole 031
police 210
polish 018, v.
pollute 004, v.
pool 004
poor 016
population 080
porcelain 120
portion 172
possess 039, v.
possible 093
pot 119
pour 004, v.
powder 021
power 144
practice, to practise (B) 097, v.
praise 210, v.
precious 041
predict 073, v.
pregnant 064
prepare 073, v.
president 112
press 012, v.
pressure 144
pretend 111, v.
pretty 054
price 019
priest 055
prime 015
prime minister 071
prince 064
princess 065
print 167, v.
prison 121
prisoner 058
private 069
prize 001
problem 046
produce 102, v.
profit 172
promise 210, v.
property 055
prostitute 065
protect 210, v.
proud 056
prove 210, v.
provide 112, v.
province 138
public 187
pull 086, v.
pungent 207
punish 180, v.
pure 112
purple 112
purse, handbag (B) 111
pus 093
push 086, v.
put 183, v.

quality 041
quantity 183
quarrel 080, v.
queen 065
quench 004, v.
question 080
quick 212
quiet 197

rabbit 005
race 146
radio 202
rain 009
rainbow 009
random 031
rape 065, v.
raw 102
ray 005
razor 172
reach 086, to extend, v.
reach 152, to arrive, v.
read 207, v.
ready 073
reap 172, v.
reason 141, n.
reason 210, v.
rebel 087
receive 183, v.
reckless 166
record 165
red 112
refrigerator 010
refuse 086, v.
regret 212, v.
regular 115
rein 095
relation 060
relative 060
release 183, v.
relief 075
remain 112, v.
remember 212, v.
remit 158, v.
rent 020, v.
repair 060, v.
report 080, v.
request 207, v.
resist 087, v.
resort 140
rest 212, v.
restaurant 116
retire 060, v.
reveal 107, v.
reward 041
rhinoceros 055
rib 092
rice 021
rich 124
rid 133, v.
ride 056, v.
right 080, direction
right 151, correct
rights 031
ring 003
rip 172, v.
ripe 011
rise 188, v.
river 004
road 088
roast 011, v.
rob 086, v.
robber 177
robot 060
rock 018
rocket 030
roll 089, v.
roof 073
room 124
rooster, cock (B) 046
root 031
rope 112
rose 028
rotten 093
round 141
row 172, v.
rub 086, v.
rubber 093
rudder 153
rule 004, v.
rules 078, n.
ruler 091, measure
run 146, v.
rush 145, v.
rust 019

sacrifice 055, v.
sad 212
saddle 095
safety 124
sail 115, n.
sail 153, v.
sailor 004
salesman 080
saliva 004
salt 206
salty 206
same 080
sand 004
sandal 095
sandwich 116
satellite 035
satisfy 004, v.
sauce 117
save 060, money, v.
save 183, life, v.
saw 019
say 209, v.
scale 020, measuring
scale 042, fish
scar 104
scarf 115
school 031
scissors 172
scratch 086, v.
screw 019
screwdriver 086
sea 004
seal 167, stamp, n.
seal 179, v.
search 086, v.
season 064
seat 060
second 186
secret 107
see 078, v.
seed 020
seedling 028
seek 086, v.
self 068
selfish 068
sell 041, v.
send 152, v.
sense 078, v.
servant 162
serve 162, v.
set 001, n.
set 019, to decorate, v.
set 028, to fall, v.
set 086, to lay, v.
set 124, to fix, v.
set 183, to put, v.
seven 185
severe 132
sew 112, v.
sex 212
shadow 006
shake 086, v.
shallow 004
shame 212
share 172, v.
sharp 172
shave 172, v.
she 065
shear 172, v.
shed 004, v.
sheep 052
sheet 190
shell 041
shelter 136
shield 077
shine 005, v.
ship 153
shirt 111
shoe 095
shoot 028, n.
shoot 179, v.
shore 013
short 178
shoulder 093
shout 080, v.
show 004, v.
shower 009
shrink 112, v.
shrug 093, v.
shut 126, v.
shy 052
sickle 172
side 152
sieve 030
sign 030, v.
sign 190, n.
silent 079
silk 112
silkworm 047
simple 080
sing 080, v.
single 080
sink 004, v.
sister 065
sit 012, v.
six 187
size 001
skin 094
skirt 111
skull 092
sky 001
slack 177
slave 163
sleep 077, v.
slip 004, v.
slope 130
slow 212
small 002
smell 080, v.
smile 030, v.
smoke 011
smooth 004
snake 047
snare 180
sneeze 080, v.
snore 085, v.
snout 085
snow 009
soap 206
sock 111
soil 012
soldier 160
sole 088
solid 141
solve 075, v.
son 064
song 081
soon 212
sorrow 212
sorry 212
soul 106
sound 202
soup 004
sour 117
source 004
south 188
sow 086, v.
spaceship 048
spacious 136
spare 116, v.
spark 011
sparrow 046
sparse 020
speak 209, v.
spear 176
speech 210
spell 030, v.
spend 157, v.
spice 211
spider 047
spill 004, v.
spin 112, v.
spirit 009
spit 080, v.
spoon 171
spot 200
spread 177, v.
spring 004, water
spring 035, season
spy 210
square 114
squat 088, v.
squid 042
stab 172, v.
stain 088, v.
stairs 031
stall 134
stamp 088, v.
stamp 107, postage
stand 150, v.
star 035
start 126, v.
starve 116, v.
stay 128, v.
steal 060, v.
steam 007
stick 031
sticky 024
stocking 111
stone 018
stool 168
stop 151, v.
store 028, v.
storm 008
stove 011
straight 077
strange 212
stranger 060
straw 028
stream 004
street 145
stretch 177, v.
string 112
strip 093, v.
strong 177
stubborn 141
student 064
stupid 212
submarine 153
subtraction 004
succeed 112, v.
success 144
suck 080, v.
suddenly 016
sue 080, v.
suffer 087, v.
sugar 022
suicide 068
suit 152, v.
summer 040
sun 035
superior 060
supper 116
supply 060, v.
support 086, v.
surface 076
surprise 080
surround 141, v.
suspect 089, v.
swallow 011, bird
swallow 080, v.
swarm 047
swear 210, v.
sweat 004
sweep 086, v.
sweet 208
swelling 093
swim 004, v.
sword 172

table 031
tail 091
tailor 158
take 086, v.
talk 207, v.
tall 015
tame 056
tank 154
tanned leather 096
taste 080, v.
tasteless 080
tattoo 172
tax 020
tea 028
teach 183, v.
teacher 080
team 133
tear 086, v.
tear 111, n.
tears 004
telephone 207
television 078
tell 207, v.
temper 007
temple 073, head
temple 136, shrine
ten 188
ten thousand 028
tender 065
tent 115
terrible 212
test 207, v.
thank 207, v.
that 138
the 138
their 201
themselves 068
there 138
they 060
thick 134
thief 060
thigh 093
thin 028
think 212, v.
thing 055
third 185
thirsty 004
this 152
thoroughly 162
thousand 188
thread 112
three 185
thrice 185
throat 080
throw 086, v.
thumb 086
thunder 009
ticket 107
tie 112, v.
tiger 057
tight 112
tile 120
time 035
tip 002
tired 060
title 019
to 172
toe 088
tomorrow 035
tongue 082
tooth 083
top 073, part
tornado 008
tortoise 050
touch 075, v.
towel 115
tower 012
town 019
toy 003
trade 041
train 154
tram 154
transparent 035
transplant 020, v.
translate 210, v.
trap 133
travel 152, v.
tray 121
tread 088, v.
treaty 112
tree 031
tremble 086, v.
trial 172
trim 172, v.
tripod 123
triumph 168
trouble 212
truck 154
true 077
trumpet 080
trunk 032
trust 060, v.
try 207, v.
tunnel 133
turkey 046
turn 154, v.
turtle 049
tusk 083
twice 186
Twist 205, n.
twist 086, v.
two 186

ugly 117
umbrella 060
understand 212, v.
underwear 111
uniform 039
unite 080, v.
universe 124
unmarried 065
unpunished 180
unsuccessful 144
unwilling 212
urine 091
us 175
USA 141
use 157, v.
useless 157

vacant 059
vaccine 028
vacuum 016
valley 017
value 060
vapor 007
various 080
vegetable 028
vessel 121
victory 144
village 132
vine 031
vinegar 117
vineyard 141
visit 207, v.
violent 144
voice 079
volcano 013
vomit 080, v.
vote 086, v.

wag 086, v.
wages 019
waist 093
wait 030, v.
waiter 162
wake 117, v.
walk 145, v.
wall 125
wander 152, v.
want 038, v.
war 175
warm 035
warn 080, v.
wash 004, v.
washroom, toilet (B) 127
waste 136
wasted 041
watch 019, n.
watch 077, v.
water 004
waterfall 004
wave 004
wax 047
way 088
we 175
weak 177
wealth 041
weapon 080
wear 016, v.
weather 007
weave 112, v.
web 180
wedding 112
weed 028
week 039
weep 004, v.
weigh 020, v.
weight 132
welcome 152, v.
well 065, being
well 004, water
west 038
wet 004
whale 042
what? 060
wheat 022
wheel 154
when? 035
where? 138
whip 095
whisker 100
whisky 117
whisper 207, v.
whistle 080, v.
white 201
who? 210
why? 090
wicked 138
wide 124
widow 065
wife 065
wild 132
will 212
win 041, v.
wind 008
window 016
windshield, windscreen (B) 091
wine 117
wing 097
wink 077, v.
winter 010
wipe 086, v.
wire 112
wise 079
wish 039
wither 028, v.
witness 060
wolf 058
woman 065
womb 124
wonderful 001
wood 031, material
wool 098
word 064
work 143
worm 047
worry 212, v.
wounded 087
wrap 111, v.
wrinkle 094
wrist 093
write 124, v.
writing 164

x-ray 005

yawn 081, v.
year 032
yeast 117
yellow 199
yes 035
yesterday 035
you 060
young 197
your 201
yourself 068

zebra 056
zero 009